
Thematic Learning Let’s Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival (Part A)

Held on 21 Sep 2021, “Let’s Celebrate our Mid-Autumn Festival” was a thematic learning activity jointly organised by the Chinese Language Department and English Language Department. Hosted by the committee members of the Chinese Culture Society, a variety of celebratory and promotional activities related to the Mid-Autumn Festival were run during each recess, including an introduction to the origin of the festival, traditional stories and poems. After the speech delivered by Principal CHIN Yiu-ming, a captivating video clip, “Shadow Dance: May We All be Blessed with Longevity”, by a Hungarian Shadow Dance group called Attraction, was shown. Following that was a play by S2 students about two astronauts unable to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with their families due to their 6-month exploration of the Moon for the benefit of mankind. Performed in both Cantonese and English, the drama emphasised positive values and the development of technology and space in China. Moreover, students learnt that technology could only be advanced when conducted in a secure environment, a message reiterated by a teacher after the drama performance. The last activity was riddle solving. Lanterns drawn by students were hung in the school hall, each with a Chinese or English riddle attached for students to solve. Prizes for correct answers were prepared by the school. Overall, not only did students have a more in-depth understanding of the Mid-Autumn Festival through this thematic learning activity, but they also learnt to be more thankful, caring and considerate.