Teacher Achievement 教師成就
Date | Programme Name | Awards |
2024-01 | Principal CHIN was given the Secretary for the Civil Service's Commendation Award by the Civil Service Bureau. | |
2024-01 | 第六屆「卓越教育行政人員獎勵計劃」 | 陳耀明校長獲香港教育行政學會頒發卓越教育行政人員獎項。 |
2023-12 | 2022-23中國中學生作文大賽香港賽區 | 甄迪媛老師、李秀嫻老師、黎瑞怡老師、陳嘉慧老師及余淑萍老師獲香港中華文化促進中心頒發感謝狀。 |
2023-10 | Physical Education Teacher Award Presentation Ceremony | Ms LEE Yuk-fung and Mr HO Kin-fung received the Physical Education Teacher Award from Exhibition Group Limited. |
2023-10 | The 28th Teacher Commendation Scheme | Our Assistant Principal Ms CHAN Ching Yan and our former teacher Mr CHAN Kai-yuk were selected as the Most Commendable Teachers. |
2023-09 | Good Customer Service Award Scheme (2nd Quarter of 2023) | Ms CHAN Ka-lam has been granted the quarterly award by the Education Bureau. |
2023-09 | Good Customer Service Award Scheme (2nd Quarter of 2023) | Mr NG Ka-wai and Mr WONG Sai-cheong were granted the quarterly awards by the Education Bureau. |
2023-09 | Facebook專頁「屯門中小幼資訊互動平台」教育獎勵計劃2023 | 陳耀明校長獲頒「教育精神至尊大獎」。 |
2023-07 | 香港官立中學人工智能學習圈2022-2023 | 劉富強老師獲頒發傑出老師獎 |
2023-07 | 李玉鳳老師及何鍵鋒老師獲頒感謝狀 | |
2023-07 | 價值觀教育好書推介馬拉松 | 陳耀明校長獲選為閱讀大使 |
2023-06 | 第十二屆大學文學獎2022-23 | 余淑萍老師獲頒感謝狀 |
2023-06 | 屯門藝術節2022-23屯門區攝影比賽2022:攝影展覽及頒奬典禮 | 陳啓煜老師獲頒義工證書 |
2023-04 | 「優秀教師課堂分享系列」ZOOM講座:如何以「跨學科模式」推行國民及國家安全教育 | 陳耀明校長、余淑萍老師、陳逸聰老師、陳漢龍老師及陳啟煜老師擔任講者,獲香港教育工作者聯會頒發感謝狀。 |
2023-03 | 香港紅十字會義工嘉許禮 | 林國良老師於香港紅十字會義工嘉許禮獲頒1500小時志願服務獎及成人領袖服務獎。 |
2022-12 | “Together, We Fight the Virus!” Campaign | Principal CHIN Yiu-ming, Assistant Principals CHAN Ching-yan, NG Kit-yin and HO Tat-kei, Mr CHAN Hon-lung, Mr CHAN Kai-yuk, Ms LEUNG Mei-lee and Ms YU Suk-ping were awarded the Certificate of Appreciation given by the Permanent Secretary for Education Bureau. |
2022-12 | The 27th Teacher Commendation Scheme | Our Teachers Mr LAU Kwok-yiu and Mr HO Ka-kit were selected as the commended teachers |
2022-12 | 深港校長論壇 | 陳耀明校長、陳嘉慧、程中汶、何家杰及黎瑞怡老師獲頒感謝狀 |
2022-11 | 2022優秀教師選舉 |
余淑萍、陳漢龍、梁美莉、陳逸聰及陳啓煜老師獲頒「2022優秀教師」國情教育組入圍特選嘉許獎 |
2022-09 | Good Customer Service Award Scheme(2nd Quarter of 2022) | Our teacher Mr CHAN Yat-chung, Mr CHUNG Sze-tik and Mr LAM Shek-for have been given the quarterly awards by the EDB. |
2022-09 | Good Customer Service Award Scheme(2nd Quarter of 2022) | Our non-teaching staff Mr LOT Wai-keung and Ms TO Yuen-ying have been given the quarterly awards by the EDB. |
2022-07 |
Government Secondary Schools Learning Circle - AI Education: Student Hackathon and AI Innovation Contest |
Mr LAM Shek-for was awarded the Innovative Teacher Award, while Mr CHAN Yat-chung was awarded the School Coordinator Certificate by the King's College. |
2022-06 | Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2021/22(English and Putonghua) | For the English section, Mrs ROSS Tricia Kit-ying and Mr CHAN Hon-lung won the Award for Outstanding Script given by Hong Kong Art School. For the Putonghua section, Mrs ROSS Tricia Kit-ying and Ms YIP Li won the Award for Outstanding Script given by Hong Kong Art School. |
2022-06 | Our teacher Mr CHAN Hon-lung and our SAE Ms MOK Ming-yan have been given the quarterly awards by the EDB. | |
2021-09 | Our teacher Mr CHAN Kai-yuk and our former teacher Ms LAM Mei-shan have been given the quarterly awards by the EDB. | |
2021-08 | Mr HO Tat-kei was nominated as the excellent supporting teacher by the Education Univesity of Hong Kong. | |
2021-06 | Mr HO Tat-kei and Mr CHAN Kai-yuk were nominated by all students and teachers as the commended teachers. | |
2021-06 | Our teachers Ms LEE Yuk-fung and Mr HO Kin-fung have been given the quarterly awards by the EDB. | |
2021-04 | Mrs ROSS Tricia Kit-ying and Ms YIP Li won the Award for Outstanding Script given by Hong Kong Art School. | |
2021-04 | Mrs ROSS Tricia Kit-ying won the Award for Outstanding Script given by Hong Kong Art School. | |
2021-03 | Mr HO Tat-kei and Ms LEUNG Mei-lee have been given the quarterly awards by the EDB. |