
STMGSS Annual Speech Day 2021 cum Opening Ceremony of VR Technology & InnoCentre - Reception of Guests

Our school’s “Annual Speech Day 2021 cum Opening Ceremony of VR Technology & InnoCentre” was held on 7 Dec 2021. Principal CHIN Yiu-ming and our guests presided over the opening ceremony of the VR Technology & InnoCentre, kicking off the day's activities. The simple yet solemn opening ceremony reflected our school's emphasis on innovation and technology teaching, and also highlighted another milestone in the school’s development. Afterwards, Principal CHIN Yiu-ming accompanied our Guest of Honour and alumnus, Dr LAM Pui-kin, Rex, and lined up with teachers to enter the School Hall to start the Annual Speech Day 2021. The ceremony was solemn which fully expressed the school’s appreciation and affirmation of the award-winning students. Dr LAM was an outstanding student in both moral character and studies during his years at STMGSS. He was selected as an “Outstanding Student of Hong Kong” and is currently a Clinical Associate Professor of Practice at the Department of Emergency Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, setting a good example for his fellow students. Rooted in STMGSS, Dr LAM’s alma mater has a special place in his heart. Taking time out of his busy schedule to be out Guest of Honour, Dr LAM’s sincere words and memorable speech won thunderous applause from the audience. To end the ceremony, everyone sang the school song, sending their best wishes to the school.