
“Reaching the New Height: Certificate Course for Fostering Student Leadership”

Reaching New Heights: Certificate Course for Fostering Student Leadership was launched in the 2021/22 school year to provide student leaders with systematic leadership training, so as to improve their problem-solving skills, resilience and interpersonal skills. The ECA Committee held the 3rd lecture “Getting to Know Each Other – Communication Principles” and the 4th lecture “Being a Master (1) – Event Management – Steps for Organising Events/ Activities and the Skills for Leading Events/ Activities” on 2 Nov 2021. In the 3rd lecture, the speakers shared basic communication principles and skills. The guest speakers were Principal CHIN Yiu-ming and Ms YIP Li, Guidance, Counselling and Life Education i/c. In the 4th lecture, the speakers shared the steps, skills and precautions to consider when organising an activity. The guest speakers were Principal CHIN Yiu-ming and Mrs ROSS Tricia Kit-ying, Student Association i/c.