
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) AGM 2021/22

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) ended successfully on the evening of 8 Oct 2021. Principal CHIN Yiu-ming kicked off the event with a welcome speech. Principal CHIN thanked the parents for their support of the Parent-Teacher Association, who are doing their best despite the epidemic. Immediately after that, Ms CHAN Pui-ling, Chairperson of the 2020/21 PTA and Ms YIP Wai-sum, the Treasurer, reported the business and financial situation of the previous year. The General Election was also held, with the parents electing a new Executive Committee for the PTA as well as the SMC parent member. This year, Ms CHAN Pui-ling continues as the Chairperson of the PTA, leading the PTA so as to enhance closer home-school cooperation. After the AGM, the new Executive Committee immediately held a meeting to start the work of the PTA for the coming year.