
S1 Summer Bridging Closing Ceremony cum Orientation Talk for S1 Students and Parents 2020/21 (Online Streaming & Live Broadcast)

The event was launched on 21 August 2020 via online streaming & live broadcast in response to the spread of COVID-19. It started with the Principal’s welcoming speech and sharing of the School Vision and Mission, followed by the introduction of STMGSS Parent Teacher Association by the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson and PTA teacher in-charge Ms LEE Mei-po. After that, briefings on the disciplinary and counselling procedures, the scope of social work, the student ECA programs and assessment policies were given by the Assistant Principals, the Discipline and Counselling teacher, the School Social Workers, the ECA teacher and the IT Teacher. The performances by the STMGSS Acapella Team and the Chinese Orchestra Team livened up the ceremony. Last but not least, meet-up sessions of each class were held via Zoom to facilitate interactions between S1 students, parents and the class teachers.